Artistry of Solid Wood by Casimir

Pure Essence

Artistry of Wood by CasimirThe elegant and minimalist furniture by Belgian designer Casimir is not only beautiful: by stripping his designs to their core, the designer often reveals thought-provoking questions and also a hint of subversion.

The Nakeddressoir, for instance, reduces the familiar sideboard to its essence by removing the top and front panels, showcasing the utilitarian beauty of the normally concealed shelves and drawers.

The Vitrine and Ladderrack2 are exercises in restraint, the former abstracting a display cabinet into a set of floating shelves suspended within a sleek wooden frame, the latter a monumental shelf created by combining simple ladders and racks.

Trunk is a daringly simple bench made of planks of solid wood joined together to create a stylised version of a hollowed-out tree trunk, whilst Max is a chair-with-a-drawer which questions what makes it a chair as opposed to a dressing table.

The subversive theme continues with Pallet, the ubiquitous packaging essential  crafted beautifully in luxurious solid oak; Trestle1+Crate3, a cabinet comprising a crate on top of a trestle, again in solid oak; and Longtable3, an expansive tabletop balanced delicately on three seemingly randomly placed legs inspired by roof beams. 

This is a beautiful collection which combines craftsmanship and intellectual rigour in equal measures, perfect for creating a thought-provoking interior.

Artistry of Wood by CasimirArtistry of Wood by CasimirArtistry of Wood by CasimirArtistry of Wood by Casimir

Artistry of Wood by CasimirArtistry of Wood by CasimirArtistry of Wood by Casimir 



Casimir Ateliers

Product Inspiration

Appreciate the beauty of simplicity with the Softer Than Steel chair from Desalto, the Florence dining table from New Works and the T-Square wall shelf from Coedition.

Softer Than Steel Chair   Softer Than Steel Chair   T-Square Wall Shelf - Oak


The natural wood veneers of the Link suspension light and Air table light from LZF are perfect for creating a warm, welcoming glow.  The Scraplight Disc suspension light from Graypants creates a similar effect with recycled cardboard.

Link Suspension Light - Large   Air Table Light   Scraplight Disc Suspension Light


Create a highly effective wood panelling effect with the Scrapwood series of photo-realistic wallpapers, designed by Piet Hein Eek for NLXL.

Scrapwood Wallpaper PHE-07 by Piet Hein Eek   Blue Scrapwood Materials Wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek    Scrapwood Wallpaper PHE-03 by Piet Hein Eek