Material Niceties from Niceworkshop

Industrial Inspirations

Seoul-based design collective Niceworkshop has a highly distinctive aesthetic, using industrial materials to create sleek, minimalist objects that are irrepressibly cool.

The Bolt Series is a love letter to the fully-threaded bolt. This humble component of industrial construction (working in partnership with its good friend the nut) has been stretched, bent and transformed into chairs, benches and tables as well as smaller objects such as box files and hangers.

The Aluminium Formwork series of tables and chairs are made of aluminium panels commonly used to shape concrete structures on construction sites. Some are created with used panels, which have a dark patina that hints at their laborious past.

Other outstanding creations include the Neo Naturalism series of tables and chairs, made of metal blocks etched with wood grains to resemble logs of wood. The Affordance series of objects are designed to encourage movement by featuring cranks and supports in the shape of balls that are begging to be kicked. We also like the graphic design of their promotional leaflets, which look as if they were pages torn from a catalogue of industrial equipment.


Hyunseog Oh and Sangmyeong Yoo are the creatives behind Seoul-based Niceworkshop. Inspired by the world of materials, their work includes furniture, objects and interior design in a sleek industrial style, shown around the world in design exhibitions as well as brand collaborations.



Product Inspiration

For a sleek, minimalist industrial look try the Judd Wall Shelves from Mogg, the Mr Tubes Suspension Light from Tonone and the Hauteville Concrete Armchair from Lyon Beton.

Judd Wall Shelves - Mogg - Do Shop  Mr. Tubes Suspension Light LED Chandelier - Tonone - Do Shop    Hauteville Concrete Armchair - Low - Lyon Beton - Do Shop